Up until the start of September, I would have said “I know jQuery well enough to get by”. Truth of the matter is I don’t and I think that is the same for so many other people out there.

“I can do sliders and galleries and make things move”

We can all do that with plugins, but normally plugins are quite restrictive if they are written so and you don’t know how to hack the thing to death.

With this new role, I’m having to get down and dirty with javascript. It’s still new to me. I’m honest enough in my skillset to recognise I’ve blagged it so far with using other people’s code and plugins but realise it would be beneficial to me and my employer if I could one day write my own.

So, with some tutoring and plenty of trial and error and many hours sitting blank faced at a screen, I’ve started to make the move towards learning javascript.

I’ve been using various sites to look at variables and functions but the three stand out sites for me have been these badboys.


and my personal favourite…


I’m sure to blog more about my journey and experiments as I go. Be good to hear about your JS and recommended reading materials so please stick a comment in below 🙂